Saturday, February 1, 2014

Daddy-Daughter Date #2: The Library

Today we went to the library.  The library is one of Bethel's favorite places, and she lights up whenever you tell her where we are going.

First, we got dressed to go, and she picked out her own shoes.

Next, since Sarah was gone, I fixed her hair.  She was not impressed, and she decided that she needed a third "clippy" with a flower on it.  Evidently, flower "clippies" are in.

There are a couple of libraries that we like, but our favorite one is in Lafayette.  It has a lot of books and a big children's section.  On the way there, I got a little lost, but don't tell Sarah.

Today we put together puzzles and colored.  We have been there enough times that we have a favorite puzzle.  Unfortunately, it had a piece missing which bothered my detail-oriented daughter a little.

The children's section is a great space for kids and has a lot of neat features.  There is a small round kid-sized door into the story area, and the doors to the restrooms are designed to look like outhouses.  My favorite idea is a wall covered in carpet to Velcro things to.  Today they had a large fire engine puzzle on the wall.  Bethel and I are pros at fire engine puzzles.

However, Bethel's favorite spot is not in the children's section.  Hers is in the teen section, where they have "the person chairs" and "the blue silly chairs".  She absolutely loves these.

Today, on the floor of the teen section, she noticed this letter "I".  (The cover for an outlet box.)  It was very exciting.  "I is for igloo, Daddy!"  Smart girl.

This particular library limits you to borrowing just fifty books, and several times we have come close to that.  Today, however, we left with a smaller stack, along with three movies, two read-along books, and one audio book for me.  On the way back, we chatted about how God created beautiful green trees. (Although, Bethel pointed out that some trees turn beige.)  We also discussed what we might do on our next date.

1 comment:

Abbi said...

Love all the pictures! It sounds like you had fun.